
I am diamondHURTS

Hi, welcome to THE GILDED ART...
I am diamondHURTS...

I created this blog to share my art thoughts to the world.
Art is like a diamond neckles of sky queen, brought the shining lights and blessed serendipity.

I created my own eclectic way of living with the ink from my thoughts.
Art is no longer a hobby or a profession, it is like my destiny to the future.
I always try to find a treasure inside of me. Never been bored try to find a special piece of art in any ways. Apprecite so many kind of human creation, open minded and eager to learn from others is the key to develop myself.
I walk behind what's in, I renovated what inside my dreams into a superb artfulness. I follow no rules, I againts stereotype, I just let my passion of art move nearer my mind wrapped it through my soul.

Several years i passed so rough, the conclusion of hardwork is never lie. Many different kind of projects done satisfied, with miscellaneous clients and companies, it means so much for refining my skill and my career. Those experiences brought me up to the express road of my dreams.
I will never end creating many beautiful art work. Like a blooming durable orchid, upright with my idiosyncratic ideology.


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