


April 3rd is my birthday.

2 years ago April 3rd, 2012, also the day Imunk asked me to be his wife.

This year April 12th, 2014, i gathered some of my friends for my baby shower :)

9 years ago on April 13th, 2005, Imunk and i were officially a couple, after we met for the very first time on April 1st.

5 years ago, we decided to create ONLYi, it's actually my dream but Imunk always be the person who support me and he's 1 big part of ONLYi. We took our anniversary date April 13th, as ONLYi born day :).

Today, April 26th, 2014, i had lunch at our favorite place, having pizza and curry beef sausage, went home, cuddling and writing this post. The pregnancy is getting tough, i had back pain and my baby kicking and moving extremely hard. Once again, i'm so glad to have my natural pain cure, the cute face of my lovely dog Bill, and of course my beautiful man, Imunk.

Have a great weekend to you all... :)

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