
5pm at Princess Mountain.

You know..., i kind of like it to live here. Everything here are almost done..., the downstairs part i am building now, the interior stuff and all the messy boxes from the apartment. It's been 4 months i live here at Cikeas, Gunung Putri (Princess Mountain :)). I call our house Silver's Wood. It's a wooden house inside a small town house (2 wooden house on the left and right our house). So, the house on the left is the landlord's house, empty forever..., and the house on the right is owned by Mr. A, he and his family once visit the house once a year every new year, but not last year :).

It's been a very exhausting process, moving out from the apartment to Silver's Wood, beside i am a newbie mother, with no helper or house keeper. Moving to Silver's Wood is kind of shocking, apartment was only take max 1 hour to clean up, and absolutely not at Silver's Wood. I can't tell one by one the differences living here and living at the apartment. At the apartment, everything is simple, fast, easier. At Silver's Wood, we need to find out by ourselves how to do this and that, where, whom, etc...

We're so glad this last 2 months, we have a couple husband and wife work at Silver's Wood. The husband work as a gardener, take care our little farm, and doing the house work (heavy part :)), and the wife is taking care of the house upstairs, especially private room and do the laundry :). They are super helpful and i thank them so many times :D, thanks for being here in the family. They make my life easier :).

Today's sunset is just as gold as my wedding ring, and shimmer as bright as my son Silver's smile. He didn't sleep by his schedule, a bit cranky and won't let off his sight. I decided to be his nap nap buddy, but he prefer to play. He will be 11 months next week, all he do this last 2 weeks is, clap his hands and says "horrayyyy", wave his hand and say "da..da....", call his mother "ibuuuu" only when he cry so bad, and call his father "abaaahhh" since 3 months ago, that's not fair at all... hahaahahha....

Just a little story about my family today, ciao.

Ibu DiamondHurts

1 comment:

Quirkyjelly said...

aku gemessssss liat Silverrr <3
endut dan lucuuuu kakk!

Love to hear you & fam are happy family <3


